Vietnamese lunar calendar on January 5, 2030

January 2030
December (enough) 2, 2029 Lunar Date
Kỷ Dậu (Rooster) year, Đinh Sửu month, Canh Tý day

Clash: Horse
Daily Auspicious DirectionsThe God of Happiness: Northwest
The God of Wealth: Southwest
Solar term: Moderate cold
Day: Bad day
  • Grand Opening
  • Business Trading
  • Sign Contract
  • Wedding
  • Marriage Engagement
  • Moving
  • Travel
  • Building a Kitchen
  • Funeral Ceremony
  • Haircut
  • Roofing the House
Auspicious Times
23h - 0h59 (Tý)
01h - 02h59 (Sửu)
05h - 06h59 (Mão)
11h - 12h59 (Ngọ)
15h - 16h59 (Thân)
17h - 18h59 (Dậu)
  • Build House
  • Buy a Car
Inauspicious Times
03h - 04h59 (Dần)
07h - 08h59 (Thìn)
09h - 10h59 (Tỵ)
13h - 14h59 (Mùi)
19h - 20h59 (Tuất)
21h - 22h59 (Hợi)

December 5, 2030 is ...

✧ Conversion Day ✧
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